Baseld oln Relgulatioln olf thel Indolnelsian Waqf Bolard Numbelr 1 olf 2020, this relselarch aims tol invelstigatel thel implelmelntatioln olf waqf throlugh molnely at thel Baitulmaal Munzalan Indolnelsia Folundatioln (BMI). Thel olbjelctivels olf this relselarch arel tol deltelrminel: 1) Holw thel lelgal basis folr thel implelmelntatioln olf waqf throlugh molnely at thel BMI Folundatioln is vielweld frolm Relgulatioln olf thel Indolnelsian Waqf Bolard Numbelr 1 olf 2020; 2) Holw thel managelmelnt olf waqf molnely at thel BMI Folundatioln is vielweld frolm Relgulatioln olf thel Indolnelsian Waqf Bolard Numbelr 1 olf 2020; 3) Holw thel managelmelnt olf waqf asselts throlugh molnely at thel BMI Folundatioln is vielweld frolm Relgulatioln olf thel Indolnelsian Waqf Bolard Numbelr 1 olf 2020. This relselarch is a typel olf elmpirical juridical relselarch. Thel primary data solurcel is intelrvielws with thel Helad olf thel Waqf Selctioln olf thel BMI Folundatioln. Theln, folr thel selcolndary data useld, it includels suppolrting intelrvielw relsults, waqf data frolm thel BMI Folundatioln, thel colmpany prolfilel olf thel BMI Folundatioln, and thel Prelselntatioln olf 5000 Rightelolus Child Waqfs. Thel data analysis telchniquel useld includels data relductioln, data prelselntatioln, and colnclusioln drawing. Thel relsults olf this study arel as folllolws: 1) Thel implelmelntatioln olf waqf at thel BMI Folundatioln has nolt yelt fully colmplield with Relgulatioln olf thel Indolnelsian Waqf Bolard Numbelr 1 olf 2020 belcausel in telrms olf institutiolnal lelgality, thel BMI Folundatioln is nolt yelt relgistelreld as a waqf institutioln. Thel trustelel folr waqf throlugh molnely at thel BMI Folundatioln is an individual trustelel. 2) Thel colllelctioln olf waqf throlugh molnely at thel BMI Folundatioln falls undelr thel agrelelmelnt "Prolductivel Waqf Zolnel olf thel Indolnelsian Munzalan Ship Molsquel" witholut spelcific melntioln olf its purpolsel. This is nolt yelt in accolrdancel with Relgulatioln olf thel Indolnelsian Waqf Bolard Numbelr 1 olf 2020. 3) In thel managelmelnt olf waqf asselts throlugh molnely at thel BMI Folundatioln, it has beleln in accolrdancel with Relgulatioln olf thel Indolnelsian Waqf Bolard Numbelr 1 olf 2020, that waqf asselts throlugh molnely arel manageld prolductivelly olr solcially.
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