<p>ARFANNUR: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION, E-ISSN (2775-2429) is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of education and is intended to communicate the results of original research in various concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies about Islamic Education studies related to social and cultural contexts in Indonesia. ARFANNUR: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION is a Journal of Islamic Education published three a year (once every three months, published in April, August and December) by the Master degree of Islamic Education study Program of Postgraduate IAIN Pontianak. The editorial board welcomes scholars, researchers and practitioners of Islamic education throughout the world to submit scientific articles for publication in this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before being accepted for publication.</p>The Magister of Islamic Education IAIN Pontianaken-USArfannur2775-2429Implementation Of Historical Approach And Philosophical Approach In Learning Al-Qur'an Hadith At MAS Al-Khairiyah
<p><em>This research aims to find out the historical and philosophical perspectives in learning Al-Qur'an Hadith. Learning the Qur'an and Hadith is a type of educational endeavor that includes studying the texts, as well as their philosophical and historical context. In everyday life, there are still many Muslims and Muslim women who do not know what is involved in the historical and philosophical approach to studying Al-Qur'an Hadith. This research method is qualitative research which includes field research, using descriptive information in the form of written or spoken words from people and attitudes that can be observed. This research was carried out at MAS Al-Khairiyah Citangkil. The results of this research can be concluded that the historical approach in studying the Al-Qur'an and other historical sources is a systematic study that collects knowledge about the past.</em></p>Bahyati BahyatiUtang RanuwijayaMuhajir MuhajirBidayatul Inayah
2024-12-182024-12-185315316110.24260/arfannur.v5i3.2958A Multimodal Thematic Teaching Material Application for Supporting Blended Learning In Elementary Education
<p><em>This research is motivated by the conditions in the field where so far the teacher teaches still using printed teaching materials, and other separate learning resources that must be prepared in advance and are not yet available in the package books used so that the teaching materials are less practical and complete, related to this condition, the researcher aims to develop a Multi Modal Teaching Material Application Product with the object of developing Thematic Teaching Materials in grade 5 Elementary School / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. The method used is the R&D model with 4D steps according to Tagarajan. Starting from the stages of defining, designing, developing, and distributing products. But in this study it is only limited to producing products only (Product Validation) the next stage is carried out in the next study. The techniques used include discussions with experts on product design, distributing Product Validation questionnaires. The data obtained were then analyzed using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results showed that multimodal teaching materials were developed by involving 8 PGMI students. Products validated by experts, consisting of 8 media experts and learning material experts. The results showed data Validation of product feasibility of 3.94 or 98.2% with a very feasible category. Product feasibility validation data from the media aspect shows 3.97 or 99% with a very feasible category. Product feasibility validation data from the material content aspect shows a value of 3.94 or 98.5%, a value indicating that the material in this application is very feasible. So it can be concluded that the multimodal teaching materials developed have a level of feasibility as a product Multimodal teaching materials show very feasible results as Multimodal Thematic Teaching Material Applications and can be continued in the next research hold from the R & D ledge Test practicality and effectiveness in limited and widespread fields to then be distributed as Teaching Materials in the field</em></p>Mansur MansurSaumi SetyaningrumKartini KartiniMahrani MahraniVidya Setyaningrum
2024-12-182024-12-185316317910.24260/arfannur.v5i3.3535Integration of Independent Learning Curriculum in Islamic Religious Education Towards the Era of Society 5.0
<p><em>This research is driven by the need for innovative media use in Islamic Education to enhance student engagement in the Society 5.0 era. The Indonesian government's introduction of a revolutionary autonomous learning curriculum reflects the educational demands of this era, closely linked to 21st-century skills. This necessitates advanced and adaptable teaching concepts and methods, requiring continuous development across all school aspects, particularly in Islamic Education. The study aims to explore how Islamic Education courses can effectively integrate the autonomous learning curriculum in preparation for Society 5.0. A library research method was utilized alongside a qualitative naturalistic paradigm approach. Findings indicate that incorporating self-directed learning into the curriculum aligns with the characteristics of Society 5.0. To develop resilient, skilled, and dedicated human resources, creativity and innovation are essential. Thorough preparation is crucial for successfully integrating Islamic Education into the autonomous learning curriculum, which will elevate educational standards in Indonesia and produce morally upright and intelligent students.</em></p>Muhammad IhsanSukino SukinoUsman Usman
2024-12-182024-12-185318119110.24260/arfannur.v5i3.3124Internalization of Islamic Religious Values Based on Muhasabah To Increase Students' Spiritual Intelligence
<p><em>This study reveals that attention to the practical aspects of religion in the process of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) has not been maximized, because it focuses more on achieving cognitive aspects. This study aims to determine: 1) The program of religious attitude habituation method based on muhasabah at SMAN 2 Cikarang Utara, 2) The condition of students' spiritual intelligence during school activities, and 3) Supporting and inhibiting factors of muhasabah activities. The study used a qualitative approach with case study and descriptive analytical methods. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the muhasabah method involved praying together, praying Duha, reciting the Qur'an, lectures, and social activities to form a religious character quite significantly. Students' spiritual intelligence generally increased well, in aspects of worship, and social attitudes, which were influenced by family support and personal motivation, but there were still obstacles, namely lack of family communication, negative environmental influences, and minimal understanding of religion. Supporting factors include school leadership, teaching quality, positive environment. Inhibiting factors include lack of motivation, family support, and negative environmental influences. The research recommendation is that collaboration is needed between schools, families and communities to overcome these obstacles so that students' spiritual intelligence continues to increase.</em></p>Azmi Nur IzzahAhmad SodiqKhalimi Khalimi
2024-12-182024-12-185319320210.24260/arfannur.v5i3.3594Preservation of Tolerance Values of The Dayak Tribe Hulu Ketapang District, West Kalimantan
<p><em>The diversity of ethnicities, cultures, and religions in Indonesian society is an undeniable fact. This diversity, of course, results in differences. These differences, if not properly managed, can lead to conflict. When the essence of tolerance like respecting other people’s differences as we embrace our own is upheld, this source of conflict and division in society can be prevented. The aim of this study is to identify and explain the tolerance values of the Dayak people, the social relations in their society, and the factors that prevent the preservation of religious tolerance based on the experience of the Dayak people of Lubuk Kakap Village. This research employed a qualitative research design with a phenomenological research method. Interviews and documentation were data collection procedures while data reduction, data display, and data verification are used as data analysis activities. The credibility (internal validity), transferability (external validity), dependability (reliability), and confirmability of the data in this research were used as data validity testing. Based on the findings of the study, the tolerance values documented the life of the Dayak community of Lubuk Kakap Village are respect, appreciation of religion, belief and culture in social relations. The Dayak people interact in meetings and communal work which is called gotong royong. The Dayak people believe that the factors that prevent religious tolerance include small or big conflicts and individual disputes.</em></p>Rianwati RianawatiAbdulloh FuadiDulhadi DulhadiImron MuttaqinKhairawati KhairawatiYapandi Yapandi
2024-12-182024-12-185320321510.24260/arfannur.v5i3.3655Strategy for Strengthening Religious Moderation Among Minority Muslim Millennials: Policy Study at IAIN Sorong
<p><em>This study aims to explore the role of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sorong in strengthening religious moderation in Muslim minority areas, especially in Southwest Papua. As the only State Islamic Religious College in this region, IAIN Sorong has a strategic position in grounding the values of religious moderation, which is supported by the high index of religious harmony in the region (78.63 percent). This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method to describe in detail how religious moderation is understood, implemented, and promoted in the academic environment of IAIN Sorong. The results show that IAIN Sorong implements religious moderation through various programs and activities that prioritize the values of national commitment, tolerance, anti-violence, and accommodation of local culture. These programs include interfaith dialogues, seminars, multicultural courses, and cultural festivals, which create an inclusive and harmonious campus atmosphere. The strategy of religious moderation at IAIN Sorong involves a comprehensive approach in education, extracurricular activities, and community service, which is also supported by the Center for Religious Moderation Studies. With a strong national commitment, IAIN Sorong strives to create a peaceful campus environment and become an example in building a moderate, tolerant, and peace-loving society. This study confirms the important role of IAIN Sorong in overseeing religious moderation in Southwest Papua.</em></p>Ibnu ChudzaifahSukiman SukimanAfroh Nailil HikmahNur Toyibah
2024-12-182024-12-185321723610.24260/arfannur.v5i3.3692The Effect of the School Committee Program and Parent Participation on the Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure at MTsN 6 Lima Puluh Kota
<p><em>This study examines the limitations in the provision and budgeting of educational facilities at MTsN 6 Lima Puluh Kota and the efforts that have been made to overcome these problems, especially those related to the facilities budget. This study used quantitative methods with data collection through questionnaires. The participants of this study involved all parents of students at MTsN 6 Lima Puluh Kota, with a random sample of 86 parents, consisting of 29 parents of students in class VII, 29 parents of students in class VIII, and 28 parents of students in class IX. Data were analyzed using classical assumption tests, such as normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The final analysis was conducted with multiple linear regression, F test, and determination test. The results showed that parental participation and the school committee program had a significant effect on the availability of facilities at MTsN 6 Lima Puluh Kota. The results of the simultaneous test using the ANOVA model show the calculated F value of 39.637, which is greater than the F table of 2.71, with a significance level of 0.000 below 0.05, indicating that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.699 indicates that parental participation and school committee programs explain 69.9% of the variability in the availability of educational facilities. Parents' participation and the school committee program have a significant influence on the availability of education facilities, which supports the theory of community participation in improving education quality. The results of this study reinforce the concept that collaboration between schools, parents and communities can create a better learning environment and support the improvement of educational facilities.</em></p>Riko AnasSupriadi Supriadi
2024-12-192024-12-195323725110.24260/arfannur.v5i3.3713The Relevance of Max Weber's Social Action Theory in Students Character Education Managemnt
<p><em>The purpose of this research is to analyze the relevance and effectiveness of Max Weber's social action theory in character education management at Al Azhar Bukittinggi Islamic School. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to analyze the relevance of Max Weber's social action theory in the management of student character education at Al Azhar Bukittinggi Islamic School. This approach was chosen to explore an in-depth understanding of how Weber's social action categories including rational-instrumental, rational-value, affective, and traditional actions are applied in character education. The results of this study indicate that Al Azhar Bukittinggi Islamic School has successfully implemented various social action approaches according to Max Weber to form student characters with integrity. Through rational-instrumental action, the school instills discipline with an understanding of the intrinsic value of the rules. Rational-value actions are integrated to encourage students to internalize moral and ethical values as part of their identity. Affective actions play an important role in building emotional support through empathetic relationships between teachers and students, creating a safe and comfortable environment for students' character development. In addition, traditional actions based on religious values and local culture become a foundation that enriches character education, encouraging students to grow as individuals with achievements, morals, and noble character.</em></p>Mira FebrinaSilfia HananiMuhammad Afif Al faruq