Armala <p>ARMALA Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. ISSN 2998-330X (online) Published by Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Pontianak). The Journal provides opportunities for scholars to submit scientific papers in the field of Arabic language studies which will be published online. The Journal is published twice a year, well documented in the form of books, which include a variety of scientific papers by writers of various backgrounds.</p> Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak en-US Armala 2988-330X Tahlil Madah Ta'lim Maharah al-Kalam li Barnamij at-Ta'lim al-Idhafi ala Dhau Teknologia at-Ta'lim <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT;</em></strong> <em>The aim of this research is to investigate the teaching material for the speaking skill in the Taklim Idhafi Program at Darul Ulum Islamic University in Banyuanyar Pamekasan in light of educational technology. The research adopted a qualitative approach and a case study design. The data sources consisted of students, teachers, and the educational material, "Taisir Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah: Maharatul Kalam</em>”,<em> for Level 1." The data collection methods involved document analysis, interviews, and observation. The data analysis process included data identification, data classification, and data selection. The findings of this research reveal that the teaching material for the speaking skill in the Taklim Idhafi Program at Darul Ulum Islamic University in Banyuanyar consists of several components. Firstly, there is a textbook called "Taisir Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah". Secondly, there are printed materials that include reference books, worksheets, and other reading materials. Thirdly, there are visual and audio media, as well as digital technology. Fourthly, there are human resources, with many teachers being graduates from the Middle East. Additionally, the presence of Arabic-speaking individuals through the internet or offline platforms is noted. However, regarding educational technology, the speaking skill book used did not include specific aspects, as the use of technology was only seen as a teaching tool or additional materials that were not integrated with the textbook at all.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>teaching material, speaking skill, educational technology</em><em>.</em><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Muhsin Muis Abdul Wahab Rosyidy Umi Machmudah Achmad Ja'far Sodik ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 5 1 1 21 10.24260/armala.v5i1.1917 SIGNIFIKANSI PENGUASAAN MUFRADAT TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA BAHASA ARAB DI PONDOK PESANTREN AL-KAUTSAR TANJUNGPINANG <p>Arabic is one of the international languages that students must master to face the increasingly advanced era of globalization. This research aims to provide an overview of the mastery of vocabulary (mufradat) and Arabic speaking patterns by the students. Whether the two have a significant relationship or influence or not. The results of the research show that the students of Al-Kautsar Islamic boarding school have good mastery of mufradat&nbsp;with a percentage of 74.95 and the ability to speak Arabic also shows good results with a percentage of 68.08%. Then, it is known that rxy: 0.939 &gt; r-table at the 5% and 1% significance levels (0.939&gt;0.203&gt;0.264). Thus, between the mastery of mufradat&nbsp;and the ability to speak Arabic of the students of the al-Kautsar Islamic Boarding School, Tanjungpinang, there is a very strong significant influence.</p> zaimah zaimah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 5 1 22 39 10.24260/armala.v5i1.2115 THE IMPLICATION OF SAM'IYYAH SHAFAWIYAH METHOD IN LEARNING ARABIC LANGUAGE TOWARDS STUDENTS' MASTERY OF MUFRODAT <p>This research will discuss the description and explanation of the sam'iyyah syafawiyah method in improving students' mastery of mufrodat in learning Arabic. The aim of this research is to provide results and evidence to the community that the sam'iyyah syafawiyah method is effective. This research is included in literature study research. Library research is used to obtain research data, namely in the form of the sorogan method to increase students' interest and self-confidence. The results obtained regarding the sam'iyyah syafawiyah method technique are practiced by drilling until students are able to master mufrodat.</p> Rin Bidah Maul ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 5 1 40 53 10.24260/armala.v5i1.2142 Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Gambar Bergerak Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas VIII MTs Ma’arif Pemahan Ketapang <p>The purpose of research is to determine the motivation of learning Arabic used moving image media and the effect of used moving image media on motivation learn Arabic especially for students class VIII at MTs Ma’arif Pemahan. The type of research is an experiment with a quantitative approach and the method used is Quasi Eksperimental. Source of researcher’s data were students class VIII MTs Ma’arif Pemahan which totals 28 students. Data collection techniques are questionnaires, direct observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are percentage and simple linear regression test. The result of research are: (1) Learning motivation in the process of students learning Arabic using moving image media has a positive impact. Based on direct observation it can be seen that students arrive on time, listen to the lesson material presented well, complete assignments with their own efforts and enthusiastically follow the series of learning processes until the end. (2) The positive effect of using moving image media on motivation learn Arabic is 92.5%, this percentage can be seen in the output results coefficient of determination (R Square) which has a positive value of 0.925. The results of the hypothesis test sigma value of the independent variable is 0.001 &lt; 0.05, then &nbsp;is accepted, it can be concluded that there is an effect of use moving image media on motivation learn Arabic for students class VIII at MTs Ma'arif Pemahan.</p> Eka Nurlita Rahmap Rahmap Arifudin Arifudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 5 1 54 73 10.24260/armala.v5i1.3026 ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI STRATEGI TAMTSILIYYAH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MAHARAH KALAM DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB <p>Learning Arabic, especially maharah kalam, is a challenge for teachers and students. Maharah kalam is a skill that must be trained and mastered. To be able to master and be trained, of course, you need a strategy that can attract students' attention. The process of learning Arabic, especially in maharah kalam, needs to be analyzed which aims to find out how the implementation of the tamtsiliyyah strategy to improve maharah kalam in Arabic language learning. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation with data analysis techniques through data triangulation methods and research sources. The results showed that Arabic language learning using tamtsiliyyah strategies is very significantly improved and enjoyable for students, with an indication that Arabic learning requires student creativity and innovation to explore information about self-confidence, vocabulary, sound and sentence structure independently through the role of the teacher in playing roles in front of the class. This study recommends other studies to test the effectiveness of Arabic language learning using tamtsiliyyah strategies in Manhalun Nabighin dormitory.</p> Riska Khairani Siti Fatimah Maryam Hayoun Dalilan Aini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 5 1 74 85 10.24260/armala.v5i1.2021