<p>ARMALA Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab. ISSN 2998-330X (online) Published by Pontianak State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Pontianak). The Journal provides opportunities for scholars to submit scientific papers in the field of Arabic language studies which will be published online. The Journal is published twice a year, well documented in the form of books, which include a variety of scientific papers by writers of various backgrounds.</p>Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianaken-USArmala2988-330XPelatihan Evaluasi Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Melalui Quiz Wordwall Di Madrasah Aliyah Assullamy Langko
<p>The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Wordwall platform in improving student engagement and learning outcomes at the secondary school level. The research method used is a qualitative research method with an experimental approach, carried out at MA ASSULAMY Langko. The research subjects were 11 class X MA ASSULAMY Langko students. The research subjects were students' knowledge and teachers' abilities in using the Wordwall application in teaching and learning activities in the classroom using traditional learning methods and a control group. Data is collected through achievement tests, classroom observations, and student satisfaction surveys. Research shows that the use of Wordwall significantly increases student engagement and active participation during the learning process. Wordwall is a website-based application that can be used as a learning medium for interactive tests, pairs, random words, anagrams, and others. With so many features to choose from, you get versatility in providing educational materials. This application offers 18 templates that you can access for free.</p>Zakiatun NufusSuparmanto SuparmantoAbdul RohimDeta PebriariantiBaiq Anggun Zizasqia Gunawan
2025-01-302025-01-3052869910.24260/armala.v5i2.2991Perubahan Makna pada Kata Serapan Bahasa Arab dalam Bahasa Indonesia
<p>Arabic has become one of the sources for the enrichment of Indonesian vocabulary through the influence of religion and cultural interaction over the centuries. Many vocabulary items from Arabic have been absorbed and used in Indonesian. However, many of the absorbed words in Indonesian have now undergone changes in meaning when used in the Indonesian language. The change in meaning of loanwords is often influenced by social and cultural factors, differences in fields of usage, associations, term development, and communication needs in Indonesian society. This study focuses on examining various changes in meaning in loanwords from Arabic, both semantically and pragmatically. These changes may include narrowing, broadening, amelioration, pejoration, or even a total shift in meaning. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by examining loanwords through texts and the context of usage in the Indonesian language. This study is expected to provide further insights into the dynamics of language evolution and how social context influences the development of word meanings in a language.</p>Abdul MuizMohammad Nu'man
<p>Reading skills are unique and very important skills for the development of knowledge, as well as a means of communication for human life. From the results of the research conducted, there are several students who have not been able to read Arabic texts fluently and have not been able to understand the reading well. This study was conducted to determine the strategies used by Arabic teachers in learning the ability to read Arabic texts of grade X students of MA Darul A'mal Metro. In this study, the method used is the qiroah al-jahriyah method (reading aloud). Then the type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Data related to these problems are collected through interview, test, observation and documentation data collection techniques. Based on this, the result of this research is that with the implementation of a good learning strategy, the result of the research carried out is that students are able to read Arabic texts, students can pronounce Arabic texts well and fluently. It can be stated that the strategies used by Arabic teachers can be used as support for students' success in learning maharah qiroah.</p>Muhamad Fatkhul MuinRohani OktaviaHernawati Hernawati
2025-02-072025-02-075211512910.24260/armala.v5i2.3075CHANGING OF ARABIC LANGUAGE LEARNING SOURCES IN E-LEARNING FRAMEWORK
<p>Digital technology has influenced the development of Arabic language learning resources through the design of digital learning frameworks. In other words, it has developed rapidly, changing the traditional system in terms of learning materials. On that basis, this research aims to investigate the transition of Arabic learning resources through four dimensions of language skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing. The research used a qualitative research design with a case study design method based on data collection techniques including interviews, observation and documentation with data triangulation techniques for analysis. The research results show that the change from traditional learning sources to online-based learning sources is in several categories; reading online texts, learning resources through online video media, sources for acquiring loan language with native speakers and using various written media on social media. The findings show that online learning resource interventions can provide opportunities for gradual languaage acquisition and language productivity.</p>Suci Ramadhanti FebrianiKddour Guettaoui BedraAnasruddin Anasruddin