Peran Pendeta Kristen Dalam Menanamkan Ajaran Agama Kepada Jemaat Gereja Pasca Pandemi ( Studi di Gereja Kristen Kemah Daud di Pontianak Kalimantan Barat )
The role of the pastor is very strategic. That is, in addition to being a teacher and counselor,
he is a pastor, administrator, programmer or program designer. As a servant of God who
has been anointed with power or mandate (anointing) to carry out God's vision and mission,
the task is quite challenging. That is, all these skills need to be used in church ministry. The
spiritual development of the congregation as well as the overall ministry specs will be
affected when the pastor's role does not fulfill his calling. In this study using qualitative
methods because face-to-face investigations and interactions with people in the research
area can provide all sources of data. In this case, the researcher uses the phenomenological
method to select the phenomenon of the pastor's contribution to the spirituality of church
congregations in the Covid-19 era. The researcher takes a qualitative approach to the
phenomenon. Phenomenological research basically tries to find out what the phenomenon
means. The growth of the faith of congregation members and community members is an
important aspect that must have a place in the basic framework of nation building. cover
various aspects. Among them are Teaching and Explaining Bible Teachings, then a pastor
must be responsible for teaching Bible teachings to his congregation. This includes reading
and explaining, as well as explaining the meaning of relevant texts in the Bible. and related
to the context of everyday life. The pastor gives sermons and reflections in the church to
convey religious messages to the congregation. In this sermon, pastors can dig deeper into
religious teachings, provide moral teachings, invite them to refresh the values of Christian
life, and provide spiritual motivation.
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