• Nadia Ika Suryani studi agama-agama IAIN Pontianak


This study deals with the integration of religious values into modern lifestyles. One of the components that influences development is the changing times that are increasingly rapid changes that are taking place in the world. The lives of developing and transitional societies are rapidly affected by the outbreak of modernization and globalization. History shows that the term integration has served to provide a normative framework for learning religious values for a long time. Religion can serve as a moral guideline in living a life full of complications and challenges. This research is carried out using the method of library study, which means reading books, scientific journals, documents, and other sources in the library to obtain data and information. A descriptive study of analysis with a qualitative approach by exploring references and related sources on the subject matter (Library Research), which leads to the search of written data related to the content of the research. This writing gives rise to a modern lifestyle narrative with religious values in it. There's an integration of modern lifestyles, there's a variety of issues going on. In the modern era, more religious values must be studied so that life can be balanced with the realities of life. By implementing a more responsible, sustainable, and human values-focused lifestyle, we can create a balance between modern progress and the sustainability of life on earth.


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How to Cite
Suryani, N. (2024). INTEGRASI NILAI-NILAI AGAMA DALAM GAYA HIDUP MODERN. INFACTUM: Journal of Interfaith, Cultural Understanding and Moderation, 1(2), 9-16. Retrieved from