• Satya Putri Insani Studi Agama Agama IAIN Pontianak


This research explores information about religion and contemporary issues regarding the expression of religiosity in the lifestyle of generation Z. The contemporary era is the current time period, which involves various technological, social and cultural changes and developments.  The existence of an issue like this is interesting to reveal, because among the Z generation who have grown up in this digital and globalization era, we can see the way they express themselves, including in terms of expressing religion. The method used in this research is a descriptive analysis research method with  qualitative approach by examining references and related sources regarding the main problem (Library Research).  Data collected through scientific literature.  This literature uses a variety of library sources.  Based on the data obtained, Generation Z uses technology to express their religiosity through social media platforms to share spiritual experiences, follow religious leaders, and connect with online religious communities.  Generation Z is influenced by technological advances and broad exposure to diverse cultures.  The influence of various social media applications on Generation Z has led to the emergence of a generation that values practicality and speed in learning and working, even in a modern lifestyle.  One can share inspiring religious content, upload photos of people participating in religious activities, and discuss religious topics with friends through comments and private messages.  This shows how Gen Z utilizes technology and social media as a means to communicate and realize their religious beliefs and identity


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How to Cite
Insani, S. (2024). EKSKPRESI RELIGIUSITAS PADA GAYA HIDUP KALANGAN GENERASI-Z. INFACTUM: Journal of Interfaith, Cultural Understanding and Moderation, 1(2), 1-8. Retrieved from https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/infactum/article/view/3149