• Uwais Al Qorani Bang wais Studi Agama-Agama IAIN Pontiank


Sufism, as an esoteric dimension in Islam, has a significant contribution to character education in Indonesia. This research aims to explore the role of Sufism in forming students' character through the moral and spiritual values ​​taught. The method used in this research is literature study and qualitative analysis of educational practices that integrate Sufism values. The research results show that Sufism contributes to the development of noble morals, self-control, compassion and tolerance. In addition, teachers who practice Sufism become effective role models for students. Sufism also encourages a holistic educational approach that includes intellectual, spiritual and emotional aspects, providing balance in individual development. Several schools in Indonesia have integrated Sufism values ​​into their curriculum through religious lessons, extracurricular activities, and character development programs. Sufism-based organizations and communities also play a role in empowering students' character through various spiritual activities, such as taklim assemblies, recitations, and spiritual retreats, which provide space for students to learn and develop themselves in depth. This research confirms that Sufism plays an important role in creating a generation that is not only intellectually intelligent but also moral and spiritual. The integration of Sufism in character education has a positive impact in forming individuals who have a balance between cognitive, emotional and spiritual aspects, so that they are able to contribute positively to society.


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How to Cite
Bang wais, U. (2024). KONTRIBUSI TASAWUF DALAM PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI INDONESIA. INFACTUM: Journal of Interfaith, Cultural Understanding and Moderation, 1(2), 63-72. Retrieved from https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/infactum/article/view/3186