Manajemen Pengelolaan Masjid

  • wahyu gunawan IAIN
Keywords: manajemen masjid


Mosque management is very important to do in order to create ideal conditions in an institution or mosque, so the management pattern must be arranged as well as possible in order to create effectiveness in the organizational structure. This study discusses the management of the Jami' Keraton Ismahayana Landak Mosque to find out whether the implementation has implemented an effective management pattern. The results of the study can be seen that the implementation of the management of the Jami' Keraton Ismahayana Landak mosque there is a management application, the activity programs that have been made have also gone through the planning stage which is the main factor if these activities are to be realized. So the things that are needed, from determining the implementing committee, the equipment to be used, maintaining the cleanliness of the mosque environment and preparing worship facilities and infrastructure have gone through the planning stage through a meeting held by the mosque management and also involving the Ismahayana Landak Palace. This study also aims to find out how the management functions are managed by the administrators of the Jami' Keraton Ismahaya Landak Mosque, and also want to know the relationship between the supporting and inhibiting factors in the prosperity of the Jami' Keraton Ismahayana Landak Mosque. The method used in this research is using qualitative research with a management approach, more specifically using descriptive qualitative research. While the technique used in this research is the method of observation, interview method and method of documentation.



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How to Cite
gunawan, wahyu. (2022). MANAJEMEN PENGELOLAAN MASJID JAMI’ KERATON ISMAHAYANA LANDAK. J-MD: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah, 3(2), 61-69.