Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Pendidik dan Praktisi SD&MI (JKIPP) https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp <p><span class="S1PPyQ">Jurnal Karya Ilmiah Pendidik dan Praktisi SD&amp;MI (JKIPP) merupakan&nbsp;</span>Jurnal yang memiliki platform peer review terkemuka dan merupakan sumber informasi resmi. Kami menerbitkan artikel penelitian asli, tinjauan pustaka, dan studi kasus yang berfokus pada Pembelajaran tematik di SD/MI,&nbsp; Strategi pembelajaran di SD/MI, Pengembangan Media pembelajaran di SD/MI, Sumber pembelajaran di SD/MI, Evaluasi pembelajaran di SD/MI, Manajemen Pendidikan di SD/MI, Pengelolaan kelas di SD/MI, Bimbingan dan konseling di SD/MI, Pendidikan inklusi di SD/MI, Pembelajaran IPA, IPS, Matematika, Bahasa Indonesia, PkN di SD/MI, Elektronik learning (e-learning) di SD/MI, Manajemen teknologi dan inovasi Perkembangan anak, Media Pembelajaran di SD/MI, Inovasi Pendidikan di SD/MI, Pendidikan untuk guru madrasah ibtidaiyah atau sekolah dasar, pembelajaran SBDB di SD/MI, pembelajaran Penjaskes di SD/MI, Pendidikan Agama Islam di SD/MI, Kurikulum di SD/MI Di tempat lain dalam berbagai bahasa, serta ditinjau untuk publikasi di mana saja. Pernyataan berikut akan menjelaskan perilaku etis semua pihak yang terlibat dalam tindakan penerbitan artikel di jurnal ini, termasuk penulis, editor, reviewer, dan penerbit (Program Studi PGMI FTIK IAIN Pontianak).</p> en-US kartini@gmail.com (Kartini) roikhatuljanah30@gmail.com (Roikhatul Janah) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 METODE DEMONSTRASI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN IPA: STUDI KUALITATIF TERHADAP MINAT BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK KELAS IV https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3584 <p><em>This research aims to arouse students' interest in learning through demonstration methods in science subjects. The type of research used is field research with a descriptive analysis method throught a qualitative approach. The data sources in this research are class IV teachers and class IV students. Collection techniques and tools use interview techniques with semi-structured interview guidelines, and observation techniques use observation sheets, while documentation techniques use check list guidelines, photos and so on. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. Data validity testing techniques use source triangulation and data triangulation. The results of the research show that: (1) Teachers' understanding of the demonstration method in science subjects is quite understanding of the application of the demonstration method; (2) The steps taken by the teacher in implementing the demonstration method are quite good in the science learning process; (3) Students' interest in learning increased after implementing the demonstration method, namely 22 students. So it can be concluded that the demonstration method can arouse students' interest in learning in science subjects with energy source material.</em></p> Dona Kaisari, Firdaus Achmad, Vidya Setyaningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3584 Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:42:33 +0000 PROBLEMATIKA GURU DALAM PENILAIAN OTENTIK DI PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3537 <p><span class="fontstyle0">Penilaian otentik dalam pembelajaran tematik memiliki potensi besar untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan mendorong pemahaman konseptual peserta didik. Akan tetapi, penerapannya di lapangan masih menghadapi berbagai kendala, terutaman bagi pendidik. Artikel ini akan membahas tentang problematika guru dalam penilaian otentik yaitu penilaian sikap, penilaian pengetahuan, dan penilaian keterampilan. Artikel ini juga memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut yaitu pengembangan kompetensi guru, penyempurnaan sistem administrasi, dan melakukan diseminasi dengan tenaga ahli. Besar harapan artikel ini dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang tantangan dan solusi dalam penerapan penilaian otentik di pembelajaran tematik, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan mencapai tujuan pendidikan yang lebih baik.</span></p> Musnawa Musnawa, Nur Hafizah, Patdry Alamsyah, Musarrofah Musarrofah, Musyarati Musyarati, Roikhatul Janah ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3537 Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:43:46 +0000 PENERAPAN STRATEGI MAKE A MATCH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPS KELAS IV DI MIN 1 PONTIANAK https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3514 <p><em>This research aims to describe: (1) Student learning outcomes before </em>implementing<em> the make a match strategy. (2) Steps for implementing the make a match strategy to improve student learning outcomes. (3) Student learning outcomes after implementing the make a match strategy. (4) Increased student learning outcomes after implementing the make a match strategy. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) The learning outcomes before implementing the make a match strategy were an average of 64.88 and 49% or 21 students who completed, 2) This research was carried out in two cycles. In cycle I, the advantage was that the teacher was quite optimal in implementing the make a match strategy steps. Meanwhile, the weakness in cycle I was that the teacher in dividing the time allocation was not optimal. In cycle II the teacher's activities have increased and are very good in terms of the learning steps carried out, 3)</em> <em>Learning outcomes after implementing the make a match strategy in cycle I were 65% or 28 students who achieved a completeness score with an average score of 73.72 , and cycle II was 86% or 37 students who achieved completeness with an average score of 85.35, 4) There was an increase in student learning outcomes after implementing the make strategy a match with a completion percentage from 49% to 86% with an average value before applying the make a match strategy, namely 64.88, increasing to 85.35.</em></p> Maulidiyaturrahmah Maulidiyaturrahmah, Rianawati Rianawati, Fitri Muthmainnah Muthmainnah, Desi Yulianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3514 Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:45:11 +0000 EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN AUDITORY, INTELLECTUALLY, REPETITION (AIR) TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DI SD MUHAMMADIYAH KEMIRI https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3601 <p><em>This research is motivated by the low learning outcomes of Pancasila Education among fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Kemiri as shown by the data that 35% of students scored below the KKM. This research aims to identify the effectiveness of Auditory, Intellectually, Repetition (AIR) learning model compared to conventional model in improving students' learning outcomes. This research used a pseudo-experimental design with post-test only control design involving two groups of students. The population in this study were all fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah Kemiri. The research sample consisted of 20 students selected using simple random sampling technique. The instrument used was a learning outcome test. Data analysis used nonparametric statistics Mann-Whitney U. The results of hypothesis testing showed significant results with a p-value = 0.005 &lt;0.05. This indicates that the learning outcomes of students given the AIR learning model are better than those of students given the conventional learning method. The results of this study indicate that the AIR method, which emphasizes learning through auditory, intellectual, and repetition, is effective in improving students' understanding and retention. This finding supports constructivist learning theory and reinforces the importance of repetition as a strategy in learning. The implication of this study is the need for integration of AIR model in the learning curriculum to overcome the limitations of conventional methods and improve students' overall learning outcomes.</em></p> Ida Amelia, Dhiya Ayu Tsamrotul Ihtiari ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3601 Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:46:35 +0000 IMPLEMENTASI METODE PEMBELAJARAN AFEKTIF DALAM PEMBENTUKAN SIKAP MULTIKULTURAL SISWA DI MIN 3 WAY KANAN https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3534 <p><em>This research is qualitative research because it is aimed at finding out in-depth information regarding the implementation of multicultural education at MIN 3 Way Kanan, especially regarding learning methods in multicultural education to form students' multicultural attitudes.</em></p> <p><em>Affective learning methods in multicultural education at MIN 3 Way Kanan can be classified into two types. First, the learning methods that take place during the learning process in the classroom. Second, learning methods that take place outside of classroom learning. The learning methods that take place during classroom learning are usually related to the subject matter being taught, such as learning design by playing roles in drama, group learning systems, and also learning systems through presentations. </em></p> <p><em>Apart from learning methods that are directly related to the subject matter, there are also programs at MIN 3 Way Kanan that can be used as a means of instilling multicultural values ​​in students. These programs include opening classes, a class mixing system, and a rolling system or rotation of student seats. Meanwhile, multicultural learning methods that take place outside of classroom learning are usually through certain events held at MIN 3 Way Kanan. These events include Kartini Day, commemoration of Islamic holidays, which showcase the culture of each region.</em></p> <p><em>The implementation of affective learning methods plays a role in the internalization of multicultural values. Through the affective learning method used, students' multicultural attitudes can be formed, such as attitudes of tolerance and respect, anti-bullying attitudes, and the ability to adapt to new environments. This of course cannot be separated from the role of teachers who play a role in providing direction, guidance, role models and building awareness of the importance of tolerance and respect for students. With the existence of affective learning methods which tend to predominantly involve students actively, it can make it easier to instill multicultural values ​​in students.</em></p> Gunik Septiani, Muflikhah Umi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://e-journal.iainptk.ac.id/index.php/jkipp/article/view/3534 Mon, 30 Sep 2024 04:47:34 +0000