Video Youtube Najwa Shihab dalam Analisis Wacana Kritis mengenai Stereotipe Perempuan

  • Putri syahrani rani UIN Raden Fatah
  • Sepriadi Saputra
  • Fera Indasari


In the digital era, YouTube has become one of the main platforms for various types of multimedia content, such as interviews, discussions, and talk shows. Najwa Shihab, a renowned journalist and presenter in Indonesia, is one of the popular media figures on YouTube. Najwa Shihab's videos, especially in the series "Susahnya Jadi Perempuan Part 2," often attract attention for discussing gender and women's issues in various social, political, and cultural contexts. This study uses a qualitative method to explain the audience's reception of female stereotypes presented in Najwa Shihab's YouTube video "Susahnya Jadi Perempuan Part 2." The data is presented descriptively qualitatively using critical discourse analysis (CDA) to explain individual perceptions or discourses in the video. This method focuses on critical discourse analysis using Ann Oakley's feminist theory. The study identified several female stereotypes reflected in the video content, indirectly reinforcing and extending harmful gender stereotypes in society.

How to Cite
rani, P., Saputra, S., & Indasari, F. (2024). Video Youtube Najwa Shihab dalam Analisis Wacana Kritis mengenai Stereotipe Perempuan. JOISCO, 2(1), 59-69.