JOISCO <p>JOISCO: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Islam menyediakan artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian empiris dan analisis reflektif bagi praktisi dan akademisi, yang diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan teori dan memperkenalkan konsep-konsep baru di bidang komunikasi Islam dalam perspektif yang luas; Retorika, Fotografi, Film, Jurnalistik Islam, Media Dakwah, dan Komunikasi Profetik, Humas, Jurnalistik dan Penyiaran. Jurnal JOISCO terbit secara berkala dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan: Juni dan Desember. Setiap makalah yang dikirimkan akan ditinjau oleh pengulas. Proses review menggunakan <em>double-blind</em> review dimana reviewer tidak mengetahui identitas penulis, dan penulis tidak mengetahui identitas reviewer.</p> Komunikasi dan Panyiaran Islam en-US JOISCO 0000-0000 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES OF PEOPLE WITH MRKH SYNDROME AS A MEANS OF KNOWLEDGE SHARING THROUGH TIKTOK SOCIAL MEDIA <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>This research aims to dissect the characteristics of women suffering from MRKH Syndrome experienced by one of the content creators named @ani_ompong and explain in more depth the communication strategies used in providing knowledge sharing to the wider community about MRKH Syndrome via social media TikTok. The method used is the virtual ethnography method. Data collection was obtained from observations and documentation from the @ani_ompong account. Supporting data was also obtained from related literature and other online platforms. The results of the research explain the characteristics experienced by the owner of the @ani_ompong account as someone suffering from MRKH Syndrome, such as not having a uterus, not having a menstrual cycle, and not having a vaginal opening. And the communication strategy used by the @ani_ompong account in providing knowledge sharing on TikTok social media is by performing attractions, jokes, and even using Javanese to convey education about the syndrome he is experiencing. The account owner also gets quite a large income from the virality of his content and often gets offers to do endorsements and paid promotions.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <strong><em>Communication, MRKH Syndrome, Knowledge Sharing, </em></strong><strong>TikTok</strong></p> Ajrun 'Azhim Al As'hal Muhammad Inayat Mega Adjie Wikhda ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 2 2 82 96 10.24260/joisco.v2i2.3350 THE AMBIGUITY OF THE GRAVE'S TORMENT IN THE FILM SIKSA KUBUR BY JOKO ANWAR <p>The punishment of the grave is a phenomenon that is believed to definitely occur by the majority of religious people, especially among Muslims, Islamic religious figures (Ahl Al-Sunnah) have agreed that life in the grave is real, it can be in the form of pleasure or slander (torture), so that Muslims are required to believe in life after death. This research aims to analyze the film Siksa Kubur by Joko Anwar using the semiotic approach of Riffaterre and Stuart Hall. This research is of the qualitative type with data collection based on observations of the Siksa Kubur film in question and literature studies based on research and writings that are relevant to this research. The conclusion of this research is that a paradox (ambiguous) was found, namely a statement which states that the form of a person's punishment in the grave is in accordance with his fear (what he fears most), this statement carries a double meaning in other aspects, it also serves as justification that promises and threats in beliefs other than Islam are true, and the punishment in the grave can be in the form of heaven or pleasant things (which is what a person fears most is subjective).</p> Mochammad Ikhsan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-21 2024-12-21 2 2 97 113 10.24260/joisco.v2i2.3354 FEMALE TELE-DAI, NEW MEDIA AND GENDER CONSTRUCTION <p>Kehadiran pendakwah televisi (Tele-Da’i) perempuan menjadi sebuah fenomena baru. Kehadiran&nbsp; Tele-Dai diharapkan bisa menyuarakan persoalan perempuan yang selama ini disampaikan Tele-Dai laki-laki yang cenderung bias gender. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada Oki Setiana Dewi yang menjadi Tele-Da’i perempuan, kajian sebelumnya banyak membahas Dede Rosidah (Mamah Dedeh) yang terlebih dahulu tampil sebagai Tele-Da’i perempuan. Oki Setiana Dewi adalah Tele-Da’i perempuan yang muncul belakangan, tidak hanya tampil berdakwah di televisi, Oki Setiana Dewi memanfaatkan media baru untuk memperkuat otoritasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana Oki Setiana Dewi memperkuat otoritasnya dengan media baru dan mengulas ceramah-ceramah Oki Setiana Dewi yang berkaitan dengan tema gender. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa sebagai Tele-Da’i perempuan, bahwa konstruksi gender yang disampaikan Oki cenderung bias gender yang memposisikan perempuan dalam keadaan lemah.</p> Romario Romario ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 2 2 114 134 10.24260/joisco.v2i2.3609 REPRESENTATION OF MORAL MESSAGES IN THE ANIME VINLAND SAGA 2 BASED ON THE AL-QURAN PERSPECTIVE <p><em>Anime has become a familiar sight among young people and adults to this day, because of the presentation of such a unique picture and a profound storyline. No wonder these days the anime is always popular with the audience because it's always entertaining. But what if the Vinland Saga 2 anime contains some moral messages that make the anime good to watch. Anime Vinland Saga 2 has some important life messages to take, moreover the message can be associated with the verse al-Qur’an that makes researchers interested to dig the content of the message of the anime Vinland saga 2. This method of research is a qualitative research used with the semiotic theory of Roland Barthes, it is to find out the meaning or meaning of the contents of the messages in each conversation in the anime vinland sega 2 by using the formulas of denotation and connotation. Those who do not know the truth of the Qur'an are the ones who have the power to rejoice in God's Word.</em></p> Aliya Izzet Begofieq Anza ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 2 2 134 148 10.24260/joisco.v2i2.3556