JOISCO <p>JOISCO: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Islam menyediakan artikel ilmiah hasil penelitian empiris dan analisis reflektif bagi praktisi dan akademisi, yang diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan teori dan memperkenalkan konsep-konsep baru di bidang komunikasi Islam dalam perspektif yang luas; Retorika, Fotografi, Film, Jurnalistik Islam, Media Dakwah, dan Komunikasi Profetik, Humas, Jurnalistik dan Penyiaran. Jurnal JOISCO terbit secara berkala dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan: Juni dan Desember. Setiap makalah yang dikirimkan akan ditinjau oleh pengulas. Proses review menggunakan <em>double-blind</em> review dimana reviewer tidak mengetahui identitas penulis, dan penulis tidak mengetahui identitas reviewer.</p> Komunikasi dan Panyiaran Islam en-US JOISCO 0000-0000 GENDER POLARIZATION IN SOCIAL MEDIA <p><em>Gender polarization on social media refers to a situation where social media users strongly divide over gender-related opinions, views and issues. Social media has become an important platform for individuals to talk about gender issues, including gender equality, women's rights, traditional gender roles, and other related topics. Polarity in online conversations about gender issues can reflect the different views, experiences and values that exist in society. Gender polarization can also occur in discussions about gender stereotypes. Social media provides a space for users to discuss traditional stereotypes about certain gender roles. Some people may be in favor of abolishing these stereotypes, while others may maintain them as part of their culture or beliefs. This kind of debate can create divisions among social media users with different viewpoints.</em></p> Khairunniasa Pgustika Bob Andrian ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-05 2023-12-05 1 1 1 13 10.24260/joisco.v1i1.2096 DAMPAK PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL TERHADAP PERILAKU KEAGAMAAN MAHASISWA KOMUNIKASI DAN PENYIARAN ISLAM SEMESTER 4 IAIN PONTIANAK <p>Abstract Religious behavior is a reflection of religious values that exist in us. A man's behavior can be created through what he experiences, as well as in his religious values. In this modern era, almost all humans have depended on the internet, especially students who need to keep up with the development of communication technology. The impact of using the internet in accessing social media can influence students to forget their religious values. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the use of social media in students. This research method is qualitative descriptive research. Which can explain the phenomenon that occurs in the use of social media on the religious behavior of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (KPI) students in semester 4 IAIN Pontianak.</p> Dea Septianingsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-11 2023-12-11 1 1 14 20 10.24260/joisco.v1i1.1747 CORAK BERAGAMA KOMPLEKS PADA MASARAKAT GANG MARGODADIREJO 2 PONTIANAK <p>This is the most awaited moment for all the people Muslims at this moment will also indirectly tighten the ties of friendship Muslims forgive each other. Not infrequently also this moment used as a moment of good discussion in the family community which of course have a goal to build family ties, with all forms of communication existing. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods by outlining the actual facts related to events in the field and documentation conducted on Community Margodadirejo2 Pontianak related religious style. As for the focus research there are three phenomena that occur in the community that is related to religious style in the atmosphere of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, and after Eid al-Fitr. From here we can also see various kinds of tricks or models of communication a person in interacting, be it on family, community, or guests in the community. Therefore especially for research or reset this will trace how which form of communication built on these elements which certainly can not be separated in the perspective of sociology da'wah.</p> Irfan Irfan Syaifullah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-20 2023-12-20 1 1 21 32 10.24260/joisco.v1i1.2103 PENTINGNYA PERANAN KOMUNIKASI DALAM SUATU ORGANISASI: ANALISIS GAYA KOMUNIKASI ANTAR PENGURUS UKM-F KEWIRAUSAHAAN UIN GUSDUR PEKALONGAN <p><em>This study analyzes the crucial function of efficient communication in achieving organizational success. Successful communication between leaders and members, whether through in-person meetings or online platforms, promotes collaboration, minimizes miscommunication, and nurtures trust and transparency among teams. The communication style of a leader assumes a vital role in steering, instructing and inspiring members toward a shared objective. While technology has made communication more accessible, barriers to both understanding and expressing messages can still arise. This study employed a qualitative descriptive research method to investigate communication styles among university administrators. The researchers collected data through interviews and documentation, and utilized the Huberman model to draw conclusions. Face-to-face communication is still crucial in addressing these barriers. Effective communication is a crucial factor that influences behavioral control, motivation, and decision-making, and strengthens relationships within organizations. Organizations can use a range of communication styles and models to resolve conflicts and achieve their goals. Key to success is to select the most suitable communication style with creativity. Effective communication builds cooperative relationships within organizations, prevents miscommunication, and helps to achieve shared goals. Online communication platforms can offer convenience, but face-to-face communication remains crucial for clarity and understanding. Various communication styles have distinct purposes and can affect learning and knowledge transfer. In SME-F entrepreneurship, inclusive and open communication empowers members to express their ideas and resolves communication problems. In summary, effective communication is essential in accomplishing organizational objectives.</em></p> Mochammad Achsan Auza'i ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 1 1 33 48 10.24260/joisco.v1i1.2130 ETIKA BERKOMUNIKASI DI MEDIA SOSIAL (ANALISIS KOMPARATIF SURAH AL HUJARAT AYAT 11 MENURUT TAFSIR; AL-MUNIR, ALMISBAH, DAN AL-AZHAR) <p><em>The communication process can be carried out using existing media, social media is one of them. Social media has now become a human necessity, everyone can access the internet to follow what is happening in the news on social media. This article uses the Literary Study Research Method. The data collection technique is searching for literature via the internet on the same theme, while the data analysis technique uses content analysis. As for the interpretation of the verse Al-Hujarat verse 11, because insults are one of the causes that give rise to disputes, Allah forbids believers from insulting other people, because the one who is insulted may be better than the person who insults. And don't let a woman insult another woman, because the woman who is insulted may be better than the woman who insults her</em></p> Riska Riska Muhammad Khalil Gunawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-29 2023-12-29 1 1 49 63 10.24260/joisco.v1i1.2338