Islamic Story Book-based Digital Storytelling for Content and Language Integrated Learning

  • Militansina Militansina Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak
Keywords: CLIL, Digital storytelling, educational technology, Islamic content, storybook


This research aims to explore the potential of using digital storytelling based on Islamic story books to enhance foreign language and topic education in a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) framework. The study focuses on three areas; (1) the effectiveness of digital storytelling in terms of collaboration, engagement and user friendliness (2) the integration of Islamic story book based digital storytelling, into CLIL perspective and (3) the advantages and limitations compared to traditional paper based methods. To investigate these aspects we conducted a case study in a school involving 18 students and two teachers. They utilized an artificial intelegent called to create digital picture within the CLIL framework. The findings indicate that using storytelling with narrative books can be a valuable instructional tool, for CLIL lessons. It has been observed that this approach, supported by Islamic Story BooksCLIL promotes student interest, ease of use instructional effectiveness and collaborative learning experiences.

How to Cite
Militansina, M. (2023). Islamic Story Book-based Digital Storytelling for Content and Language Integrated Learning. KHELIE: Khatulistiwa English Language and Linguistics, 1(2), 65 - 79.