The Difficulties of Modern Teenagers in Expressing Mandailing Codes(Partuturon) at Hayuraja, Panyabungan Selatan

  • Resdilla Pratiwi STAIN Mandailing Natal Name
  • Nur Haira STAIN Mandailing Natal Name
  • Renda Zelkasih STAIN Mandailing Natal Name
  • Akbar Ibrahim STAIN Mandailing Natal Name
Keywords: partuturon, speech act, code switiching, modern teenagers


Code is what the Mandailing people call others, or what is often called partuturon. Every Mandailing personally has family ties with other people. In Mandailing society, Partutron is considered very important because it is   considered as a custom or culture. Partuturon will be closely related to the clan or marga, by understand the Mandailing marga, it will be easy to use partuturon. Because basically for the Mandailing community, marga is their identity. However, ini this day or era and age many teenagers do not understand or grasp the form of this partuturon. Many of these teenagers are often wrong in calling older people ini their environment. Therefore, many elder think that today’s youth do not have customs and menners in greeting or in partutur. Which aims to find out how many young people still use partuturon, and there are still many teenagers today who do not know how to use it.

How to Cite
Pratiwi, R., Haira, N., Zelkasih, R., & Ibrahim, A. (2023). The Difficulties of Modern Teenagers in Expressing Mandailing Codes(Partuturon) at Hayuraja, Panyabungan Selatan. KHELIE: Khatulistiwa English Language and Linguistics, 1(1), 10 - 22.