• May Desi Citra Wandari Universitas Majelangka
Keywords: Electrical Engineering


The design of an effective English course is crucial in meeting the specific needs of students, particularly in vocational schools where English is taught for specific purposes (ESP). Understanding the unique requirements of students majoring in Electrical Engineering is vital for tailoring teaching materials to enhance their communication skills in the workplace. This research focuses on the background, importance, and challenges of English language instruction in vocational schools, emphasizing the role of ESP in meeting the professional and communication needs of students.

The study underscores the significance of conducting a needs analysis as the initial step in developing ESP courses, wherein the researcher identifies the specific linguistic, communicative, and contextual requirements of Electrical Engineering students. The curriculum design, material selection, methodology, assessment, and evaluation are subsequently informed by this needs analysis to ensure relevance and effectiveness in the learning process.

The Indonesian government's commitment to creating a skilled and competitive workforce, as outlined in Law no. 20 (2003), highlights the role of vocational schools in preparing graduates for the global job market. However, preliminary findings reveal discrepancies between the content of English textbooks and syllabi used in vocational schools and the actual needs of Electrical Engineering students. This misalignment necessitates a practical and targeted approach to English language instruction.

This research addresses the specific challenges faced by English teachers in vocational schools, particularly in Majalengka, and proposes a comprehensive analysis of the English teaching material used in the Electrical Engineering program. The study aims to provide valuable insights into the inadequacies of current teaching practices and materials, offering recommendations for designing ESP materials that align with the unique needs of students in vocational schools.

The anticipated outcomes of this research include practical suggestions for improving English language instruction in Electrical Engineering programs and broader implications for the development of ESP materials in vocational schools. By aligning teaching materials with the specific needs and goals of students, this study aims to contribute to the enhancement of English language education in vocational schools, ultimately preparing students for successful integration into the workforce

How to Cite
Wandari, M. D. (2023). THE NEED ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEACHING MATERIALS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. KHELIE: Khatulistiwa English Language and Linguistics, 1(1), 32 - 41.