Dampak Perilaku Maladaptive Terhadap Belajar Siswa Di SMK Negeri 02 Pontianak

  • Roh Issatul Fatonah Mahasiswa


This research aims to determine the description of maladaptive behavior that appears, the impact, and the efforts made by teachers and students at SMK N 02 Pontianak. This type of qualitative research is qualitative research that studies cases with a descriptive approach to obtaining data. Data collection used interview and observation instruments. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Narrative model data analysis technique in the form of reduction of interview and observation results. The research subjects were 2 students who were categorized as having maladaptive behavior and 1 teacher who served as a picket teacher. The results of the research found that there were maladaptive behaviors that emerged in the form of being late for school, skipping classes and acting in class so that the classroom atmosphere became unconducive. The causes of this behavior emerged due to students' internal and external factors, namely parental factors. Maladaptive behavior has a negative impact on student learning outcomes, where AJ even received threats of not being promoted to class and not being allowed to take part in the internship agenda. Other impacts that AJ received include punishments, inappropriate expressions from classmates and the impact on grades. In overcoming this problem, apart from the efforts of the students themselves, it also requires the role of parents and teachers at school.

How to Cite
Fatonah, R. (2024). Dampak Perilaku Maladaptive Terhadap Belajar Siswa Di SMK Negeri 02 Pontianak. Counseling AS SYAMIL: Jurnal Ilmiah Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 4(1), 44-54. https://doi.org/10.24260/as-syamil.v4i1.3119