The journal publishes manuscripts written both in Bahasa Indonesia and English. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original contributions. They should not have been previously published or under consideration by any other publisher. Only under special circumstances will the Editorial Team consider republishing specific papers already published elsewhere (with due copyright permission) if such papers are deemed worthy of wider circulation, and at the request of the author.
- All manuscripts submitted to the journal must through similarity checker
. The task will be taken by an editor.
- As author(s), you should firstly download the journal template HERE as it can help you to follow the journal layout.
- Before submitting your papers, please register to get your author account.
- The submitted manuscript is an original scientific work that has never been published in other media, either in print or online.
- The manuscript is the result of research both field research and library and conceptual ideas.
- The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English.
- Journal script is typed using font type Book Antiqua size 12 with space 1.5 A4 paper size. Size margins: top 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm. The length of a 15-25 page journal script, including images, graphics or tables (4000-8000 words), no before and after space paragraph.
- Once you finished submitting the manuscripts, you might log out from your author account. You may often check your paper's status through your author account.
- Regarding the bibliography/references, the journal applies Turabian 8th Edition (Full Note) Style. Therefore, we hope author(s) concern on it. In addition, it is fully suggested for author(s) to use reference manager tools such as