• Ferdy Hasan Haswin Program Studi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Mu’amalah) Fakulltas Syariah IAIN Pontianak
  • Salszhabila Salszhabila Program Studi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Mu’amalah) Fakulltas Syariah IAIN Pontianak
  • Ferry Harry Haswin Program Studi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Mu’amalah) Fakulltas Syariah IAIN Pontianak


The representation of women in the political arena, which has now become a matter of public and government concern, should be at least 30% within Political Parties. The law governing the representation of women in Political Parties is contained in Article 173 paragraph (2) letter e of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, which has been amended to Government Regulation instead of Law Number 1 of 2022. This article mandates that the representation of women in political parties must meet a 30% quota. Therefore, the author investigates this study related to the importance of women's representation in the political arena because there are so many female participants fighting for their rights. The patriarchal paradigm creates a social structure based on gender, where men are considered to have power in the public sphere, while women are deemed to have a natural place in the domestic realm of the family. Hence, the author's recommendation from the results of this study is to eliminate such assumptions to achieve gender equality. Indonesia is a country that supports and promotes gender equality.


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How to Cite
Haswin, F., Salszhabila, S., & Haswin, F. (2024). KETERWAKILAN PEREMPUAN DALAM PANGGUNG POLITIK SEBAGAI BENTUK AFIRMASI. Al-Aqad, 3(2), 446-452.