Aims and Scope

Journal AL-AQAD is a journal that published by Shariah Economic Law (Muamalah) Study Program of Shariah Faculty IAIN Pontianak. Focus and Scope of this journal are the academic writing consisting of legal of Islam and economic shariah. The followings are the scope of the study of sharia economic law.

a. Laws relating to business transactions and sharia economics, both formal and material, include: wadi’ah, qardh, mudharabah, musyarakah, muzara’ah and mukhabarah, ijarah, murabahah, salam dan istisna’, musaqah, wakalah, kafalah, hiwalah, and ju’alah.

b. Laws relating to financial institutions of bank and non-Islamic bank, both formal and material, include: sharia banking, sharia microfinance institutions, sharia insurance, sharia re-insurance, sharia mutual funds, sharia bonds and sharia medium-term securities, sharia securities, sharia financings, sharia pawnshops, sharia financial institution of pension funds, and all things that use the label of sharia. 

c. Laws relating to the sharia contract/engagement

d. Sharia economic dispute