The Journal of Islamic Law has implemented the following author fees:

  • Article Submission: IDR 0,00
  • Article Publication: IDR 5,000,000

The author fees are charged to the author(s) upon the editorial acceptance of their manuscript before publication. The corresponding author will be notified of the payment process once the article has been accepted for publication.

Author should understand that willingness to pay does not guarantee the acceptance of a submission.

Waiver policy of 50% of article processing charge will be provided for author from countries categorized as Low-Income Economies by the World Bank:

Afghanistan Guinea-Bissau Somalia
Burkina Faso Korea, Dem. People's Rep   South Sudan
Burundi Liberia Sudan
Central African Republic Madagascar Syrian Arab Republic
Chad Malawi Togo
Congo, Dem. Rep Mali Uganda
Eritrea Mozambique Yemen, Rep.
Ethiopia Niger Zambia
Gambia, The Rwanda  
Guinea Sierra Leone