• Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 6 No 1 (2025)

    Journal Title: Journal of Islamic Law openaccess_(1).png
    ISSN: 2721-5040 (Online) | 2721-5032 (Print)
    DOI Prefix: 10.24260 by crossref3
    Publisher: Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pontianak
    Frequency: Twice a Year (February and August)
    Speed: 30 Days Avg. from Submission to First Decision
    Editor-in-Chief: Muhammad Lutfi Hakim

    (Articles in Progress)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 5 No 2 (2024)

    This issue has been available online since July 29, 2024, for the regular issue of August 2024. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 23 authors from 4 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Tunisia).

    Indonesia1.png Malaysia1.png Sri_Langka.png Tunisia.png

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 5 No 1 (2024)

    This issue has been available online since January 29, 2024, for the regular issue of February 2024. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 25 authors from 5 countries (Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, and the United States).

    Egypt.png Indonesia1.png Malaysia1.png Nigeria.png United_States.png

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 4 No 2 (2023)

    This issue has been available online since August 1, 2023, for the regular issue of August 2023. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 19 authors from 7 countries (Afghanistan, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey).

    Afghanistan1.png Belgium.png Brunei_Darussalam.png Egypt.png Indonesia1.png Malaysia1.png Turkey.png

    Acceptance Rate: 15% of the Total Submissions (6:40)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 4 No 1 (2023)

    This issue has been available online since February 1, 2023, for the regular issue of February 2023. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 22 authors from 4 countries (Australia, Germany, Indonesia, and Netherlands).

    Australia2.png Belgium1.png Indonesia3.png Netherlands.png

    Acceptance Rate: 50% of the Total Submissions (6:12)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 3 No 2 (2022)

    This issue has been available online since August 1, 2022, for the regular issue of August 2022. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 12 authors from 4 countries (Egypt, Indonesia, Turkey, and Wales).

    Egypt1.png Indonesia4.png Turkey1.png Wales.png

    Acceptance Rate: 32% of the Total Submissions (6:19)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 3 No 1 (2022)

    This issue has been available online since January 31, 2022, for the regular issue of February 2022. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 11 authors from 4 countries (Indonesia, Jordan, Libya, and Malaysia).

    Indonesia5.png Jordan.png Libya.png Malaysia2.png

    Acceptance Rate: 29% of the Total Submissions (6:21)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 2 No 2 (2021)

    This issue has been available online since August 1, 2021, for the regular issue of August 2021. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 12 authors from 3 countries (Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia).

    Indonesia6.png Philippines.png Malaysia3.png

    Acceptance Rate: 75% of the Total Submissions (6:8)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 2 No 1 (2021)

    This issue has been available online since February 7, 2021, for the regular issue of February 2021. All articles in this issue (6 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 11 authors from 6 different institutions (UIN Walisongo Semarang, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, STIS Syarif Abdurrahman Pontianak, IAIN Metro, and IAIS Sambas).


    Acceptance Rate: 40% of the Total Submissions (6:15)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 1 No 2 (2020)

    This issue has been available online since August 1, 2020, for the regular issue of August 2020. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 9 authors from 8 different institutions (IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN Raden Intan Lampung, IAIM NU Metro Lampung, STIS Syarif Abdurrahman Pontianak, Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, IAIS Sambas, Universitas Islam Indonesia).


    Acceptance Rate: 47% of the Total Submissions (7:15)

  • Journal of Islamic Law
    Vol 1 No 1 (2020)

    This issue has been available online since February 25, 2020, for the regular issue of February 2020. All articles in this issue (7 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 9 authors from 8 different  institutions (IAIN Batusangkar, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, IAIN Parepare, STAIN Sorong, STAI Kupang, IAIN Pontianak).


    Acceptance Rate: 70% of the Total Submissions (7:10)