The purpose of this research is to find out the practice of leasing agricultural land among the people of Setapuk Besar Village, North Singkawang. In addition, researchers reviewed the ijarah contract regarding the practice of leasing agricultural land among the people of Setapuk Besar Singkawang Utara Village. This type of research is field research with a qualitative-descriptive method and uses a normative-sociological approach. This research uses observation techniques to the research location, namely in Setapuk Besar Singkawang Utara Village, interviewing agricultural land owners and agricultural land tenants and conducting documentation. The tools used are in the form of interview guidelines and documentation obtained using cell phones and other supporting tools. Primary data sources were obtained from interviews with resource persons while secondary data sources were obtained from literary references. The data validity checking technique used is source triangulation, which is a technique of checking data through several sources. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of agricultural land leasing carried out by the community with a family approach includes leasing with a profit-sharing system, but in practice, the rental payment is not emphasized by the landowner so the land tenant tends to ignore the rental payments that have been agreed upon at the beginning. Based on Islamic law, the rental practices carried out are not yet appropriate because the renting parties tend not to fulfil the agreement. There is a discrepancy in payment and rental activities carried out so it does not fulfil the provisions of the ijarah contract which uses the harvest in the form of rice.
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