KH Khoiron Syu'aib's Da'wah in Supporting the Career Transition of Ex-Costs in the Ex-Localization of Bangunsari Surabaya


  • Risma Azzah Fatin UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Ibnu Azka uin sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Keywords: Da'wah, KH Khoirun Syuaib, career transition of prostitutes, former Bangunsari localization


This research aims to analyze KH Khoiron Syu'aib's da'wah strategy in supporting
the career transition of former commercial sex workers (PSK) in the former
Bangunsari localization, Surabaya. The government's closure of Bangunsari
prostitution localization had a significant impact on former prostitutes who lost
their livelihoods. In this context, da'wah plays an important role in providing moral,
spiritual and practical support to help them transition to a more dignified
profession. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method to
explore the da'wah strategy implemented by KH Khoiron Syu'aib. Data was
collected through interviews with KH Khoiron Syu'aib, a former prostitute, and
local community leaders. Direct observation and documentation were also carried
out to complete the data. The results of this research show that KH Khoiron Syu'aib
uses a holistic and comprehensive da'wah approach, including spiritual aspects,
skills development, economic empowerment and psychosocial support. Through
regular recitations, skills training and economic empowerment programs, KH
Khoiron Syu'aib has succeeded in increasing the awareness and ability of former
prostitutes to switch to other, more dignified professions. Apart from that, the
psychosocial support provided also helps former prostitutes overcome social stigma
and increase their self-confidence. This research concludes that KH Khoiron
Syu'aib's da'wah strategy is effective in supporting the career transition of former
prostitutes in the former Bangunsari localization. A holistic and comprehensive
approach is the key to success in changing the lives of former prostitutes and
improving their welfare. It is hoped that these findings can become a reference for
similar empowerment programs in other regions, as well as contributing to the
development of a more effective and sustainable da'wah model in overcoming the
social and economic problems faced by former prostitutes in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Fatin, R. A., & Azka, I. (2024). KH Khoiron Syu’aib’s Da’wah in Supporting the Career Transition of Ex-Costs in the Ex-Localization of Bangunsari Surabaya. Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah (J-MD), 5(1), 65-79.