Khatulistiwa Law Review (P-ISSN 2722-2519 and e-ISSN 2722-2489) is the Journal of Law and Social Institutions published by the Sharia Faculty of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak. This journal is in the form of research results and conceptual ideas that focus on the field of legal studies with various perspectives like normative, sociological, and other perspectives relevant to the contribution and scientific development in the field of law. This journal invites writers from various fields among academics, practitioners, researchers, and students to develop legal studies and research results that are useful for the development of legal science. Khatulistiwa Law Review is published twice a year (April and October).
KHALREV: KHATULISTIWA LAW REVIEW Mengundang kepada seluruh akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi di bidang hukum untuk dapat mengirimkan artikel berupa hasil penelitian maupun gagasan konseptual di bidang Ilmu Hukum dan pranata sosial dalam beragam perspektif untuk dapat diterbitkan pada Volume 3 Nomor 1 dan Volume 3 Nomor 2 2022
Moh. Fadhil, M.H.
Editor In Chief
We are pleased to invite you to submit your paper for its upcoming edition: Volume 3 Number 1 & 2 2022.
Submit your manuscripts through our OJS. The authors should refer to the KHATULISTIWA LAW REVIEW Author Guidelines in writing the manuscript. The authors are also encouraged to use Mendeley Citation Manager or Zotero in writing the manuscript.
You may submit your paper until this deadline (Deadline of Submission: March & September); all papers shall be gathered and evaluated by the Board after the submission closes on.
Best regards,
Moh. Fadhil, M.H.
Editor in Chief
Terbitan Terkini
Khatulistiwa Law Review (P-ISSN 2722-2519 and e-ISSN 2722-2489) is the Journal of Law and Social Institutions published by the Sharia Faculty of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak. This journal is in the form of research results and conceptual ideas that focus on the field of legal studies with various perspectives like normative, sociological, and other perspectives relevant to the contribution and scientific development in the field of law. This journal invites writers from various fields among academics, practitioners, researchers, and students to develop legal studies and research results that are useful for the development of legal science. Khatulistiwa Law Review is published twice a year (April and October).